Happy fall to everyone. October is my favorite absolutely sexiest month. Makes me want to jump in leaves and sing murder ballads. AND SO THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA DAMN DO! First thought - the shows. October is bringing me the chance to play with two acts that are absolute rock star royalty to me and I'm freaking JAZZED about it. And those who know how I feel about jazz know that this is no small thing. First is this Sunday. Feral is playing with Lester T. Raww at Thee Parkside in SF. Lester is the one and only lead singer of The Pine Box Boys, a San Francisco country institution that commonly sells out venues like Slim's and the Great American Music Hall. He is bringing his solo project (and new solo album) to Thee Parkside just for you (and maybe the Bloody Marys). He is likely to have many guest musicians joining him, and he knows hella fancy people. So don't miss out on history in the making. Heck SF Chronicle even put us in the paper for it! www.sfgate.com/…/Feral-strips-down-folk-music-to-a-sharp-ed… Next is the Feral show on Oct 25th at 50 Mason Social House. We're playing with local bands FrontJunk (if you haven't seen them - think Maker Faire meets junk percussion insanity meets Chicago Blues) and Three Drink Circus (a delightfully charming new band full of love songs, hate songs, and carefully-selected covers, blended to perfection and served with a squirt of lime in your eye) AND (drumroll please) international touring steampunk sensation FRENCHY AND THE PUNK! They recently topped the bill locally at Steamstock, have been named one of Yahoo Music's top 25 musical duo's ever - and they're hella nice folks. So get dressed up for the last Saturday before Halloween and let's have a freakin' THROW DOWN of fun. Both shows are free. Musicians are getting paid by whatever money you slip into the tip jar or their pocket. So money ain't no excuse, we just wanna see your pretty faces! In other news - the Feral International tour to Canada was illuminating. We learned that border guards WILL look you up on Facebook (but they won't friend the band), that the stars in Canada are A LOT bigger than the ones in Oakland, and that Victoria, BC has more talent than you can shake a stick at. Our time at FarmFest 8 and Logan's Tavern of the Damned were pretty great and it's pretty likely that we're going to keep crossing international musical streams as time goes on. Some pics! and for those wondering about Vagabondage - STAY TUNED! we have some exciting things coming up in December!
where the rust belt meets the wild west Archives
March 2020